About Me

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I'm not a serious runner, and I'm certainly not that competitive. I'm someone who has two children, reached her 40's and simply wants to stay fit and feel good. I am writing this blog to share my thoughts, experiences and hopefully inspire others to take up running and explore green spaces in a city and further afield. I work as a freelance journalist and a part-time school librarian, and write this blog purely for love. Please feel free to comment and I'll do my best to reply and continue to write an entertaining blog.

Sunday, 26 September 2010

The Goats

The first time I ran further than 5k was on the Bristol to Bath Cycle Path. My mate had run the route with her personal trainer and suggested we try it. I have to admit I was pretty nervous and it was a bitterly cold day.

We set off from Bitton by the Avon Valley Railway leaving the steam trains well behind. We met a few other runners, and offered courteous good mornings. We then darted off the cycle path down to the river. Usually this route would have been a mud bath but the ground was frozen and it was pretty good going. We ran together chatting away putting the world to right, trying to navigate our way around the fields. I found it hard going - the red wine I had drank the previous night probably didn't help.

Towards the end of the run we came to a field with a style. We jumped straight over and started running across. That was when we noticed the goats. Now I'm not particularly nervous of animals but my running mate…. well. I had never seen her run so fast. One minute she was running next to me fairly chilled out, the next minute she was gone. Her acceleration was impressive to say the least. She reached the other side of the field before I had even blinked.

The goats had decided they wanted to join in with our run and started to trot along with us or should I say me. Yes I say trot as I wasn't really running that fast. I had goats either side of me and together we were running across the field like a scene from The Little House on the Prairie. Now I'm showing my age.

It was kind of surreal. I was in complete hysterics laughing at my mate who by now had vaulted the fence at the far side of the field, eyes wide with fear. I can't imagine how I must have looked surrounded by goats, trying to run. I was crying with laughter. I guess it was lucky those goats were friendly. I don't think it would have been quite a relaxed experience if they had decided to turn on me or if they had been bulls! Anyone had any similar experiences?

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