So while some of you were wrapped up warm in a cosy bed, muggings here had planned to go for an early morning run with two running pals. So when the text came through saying "look outside - still up for a run?" I had a moment of hesitation. A thin layer of snow was covering everything. Oh well, I could have a lie-in instead. I was up late last night writing copy for a deadline and a lie-in of half an hour would be good.
Who was I trying to fool? The kids were already up. Then my other running pal texted saying we could use our running crampons… Of course, I'd completely forgotten. We'd ordered a pair of Yaktrax Pro ice grippers. They were only £20 and are great for running and walking on ice. Could have done with them back in December. But was there enough snow to warrant wearing them? I was beginning to question myself. Why was I going for a run? What was driving me?
I asked Dave if he thought I was mad going running this morning. His reply was "no, going ice climbing in Scotland for a weekend is crazy." Dave's last trip up there was something of an epic. Maybe that's it! In comparison to his long drive, long walk-in carrying a huge backpack and then ice climbing up some sheer cliff, going for a short run in the snow in Bristol is kind of tame really. I've tried ice climbing - along time ago now - and believe me it is the most knackering, exhausting, frightening thing I have ever done! And that was without the long drive. No. Running out of my front door is just right for me.
So with a sense of adventure we strapped on the crampons and ventured out into the dark, cold and snow. Just round Victory Park and through the top fields and back. I wasn't really convinced that there was enough snow to wear the crampons but they did give that little bit of extra confidence. Walking to school was far more slippery when I decided not to wear them. That would be typical. Go for a run and then end of twisting my ankle walking to school!!
Anyway the run was lots of fun and a real stress buster. I overheard someone say that there was no snow in Bishopston. So sounds like it was just us South Bristol lot that got the snow. The kids were very happy. Anyway enough rambling on. Must get on with some work.
About Me

- Shazzyd
- I'm not a serious runner, and I'm certainly not that competitive. I'm someone who has two children, reached her 40's and simply wants to stay fit and feel good. I am writing this blog to share my thoughts, experiences and hopefully inspire others to take up running and explore green spaces in a city and further afield. I work as a freelance journalist and a part-time school librarian, and write this blog purely for love. Please feel free to comment and I'll do my best to reply and continue to write an entertaining blog.
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I cant believe you got snow! I thought the snow had long left us all! I couldnt bring myself to attempt running out in it back at Christmas when we had it but then I had only just started out training and wasnt even sure where to start with buying trainers let alone attempting snow running! Thank you for the lovely comment and advice on my blog! Em :)