So today I should be rejoicing about how well I ran the Bristol 10k, talking about how I struggled to the end, ran a personal best, and celebrated as I crossed the finishing line with my hands in the air. But no. Unfortunately it was not meant to be. I caught a bug (from my lovely hubby) on Saturday so by Sunday morning (the day of the run) I could hardly lift my head off the pillow let alone run 10k.
I kept thinking about trying to get up, saying to myself 'come on Sharon, you know how good a run makes you feel.' But I had no energy and just sitting up was an effort. Who was I trying to fool. There was no point even contemplating trying to get changed for the 10k. So I mourned as I texted my running pals to say I would not be coming. They ran for me instead.
I was disappointed not to go as the atmosphere at the Bristol 10k is pretty amazing. I never forget the noise of the crowd cheering along that final 1k as I completed the 10k last year. But I've got a few more running events lined up over the next coming months, so as long as I remain injury free and don't catch a nasty bug at the last minute all should be OK. Check out the Bristol Running Resource for regular updates on races and running events in the local area. There's loads for all abilities, so there is something for everyone.
About Me

- Shazzyd
- I'm not a serious runner, and I'm certainly not that competitive. I'm someone who has two children, reached her 40's and simply wants to stay fit and feel good. I am writing this blog to share my thoughts, experiences and hopefully inspire others to take up running and explore green spaces in a city and further afield. I work as a freelance journalist and a part-time school librarian, and write this blog purely for love. Please feel free to comment and I'll do my best to reply and continue to write an entertaining blog.
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